My Skills

Full-stack & Cross-platform Mobile Apps Development

Extended Reality Development (VR/MR/AR)

AI Modelling and Data Pipelining

  • Tools I use for this skill include:
    • PyTorch for creating and training convolutional neural networks (AlexNet and NiN).
    • bedtools for genomic arithmetic.
    • NumPy for arrays.

Webscraping and Data Visualization

Data Handling

  • Displayed by my current King James Bible personal project where I:
    • Created a dictionary (hash map) of every single book, chapter, and verse.
    • Created a second dictionary for all the words in the bible and a count of their occurences, which can be used to access the first dictionary, enabling a link of every single word's location in the bible.
    • Implemented a dictionary API for every word, to supply definitions.
      • The API will be changed to ChatGPT over the winter.
  • I intend to turn this into an API over winter break.
  • Tools I use for this include: